As trends and news stories come and go, names will fall in and out of favor.
But for one woman, her name serves as a very, uh, “relevant” reference to current affairs.
Yup. Her first name, as listed on her license, is “Isis Harambe.”
Though it might not sound like it from her exotic name, the woman lives in America.
Her full name? Isis Harambe Spjut of California.
The state’s DMV confirmed that the ID and the name are both real.
To her credit, she’s definitely in on the joke.
She said in an interview,When I meet people [and] I tell them my name, theyre, Thats crazy, thats funny. Im literally like, No, that is the craziest name youve ever heard in your life. I really have the most unique name in the world. Pretty trippy.
She was born in 1988, well before ISIS or Harambe were cultural touchpoints.
So here parents weren’t great predictors. The name is just dumb luck!
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