Fitness blogger Morgan Mikenas was pretty much tired of spending the time and money to shave, so she decided to just eliminate the process completely.
via: Instagram
She last picked up a razor at the start of 2016 and now proudly shares photos of her natural leg and underarm hair and body-positive messages on Instagram to more than 8,000 followers.
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Im not trying to make all of humanity stop shaving their armpits and leg hair anymore, said Morgan in a YouTube clipyou can see below.
via: Instagram
I just want to inspire others to do what works for you, what makes you feel the most comfortable, she added.
Her main reason for ditching the razor was time, but then realized she would rather embrace “natural beauty.”
via: Instagram
“After I just kind of let it do its thing and grow out I started thinking, ‘Hey this is kind of nice,’” she said. “It started getting super soft.”
“I want everybody to not feel ashamed of themselves,” she continued. “Why would I remove something that mother nature has put on our bodies and obviously intended for us to have?”
via: Instagram
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