Sunday, 30 April 2017
We’re all this lady dropping her pizza on the train
Saturday, 29 April 2017
For success, attitude is equally as important as ability. — Walter Scott
Day 4 is here and back and biceps is what we are hammering today. I hope you all had a great day of Active Rest and did some form of cardio that got your heart rate going and your body moving, but today we are picking up the weights again and shaping a sculpted back …

Overweight? Make these changes to kickstart your weight loss.

This Cake Batter Cheesecake is almost as good as licking the beaters!
Prom night is one of the important events for every girl. On this night they do not leave any single matter to look them beautiful. Nail to hair they polish it with their best look. If you are looking for something very cool for your prom hairstyles, ce

No, It’s Not Arbitrary and Does Make Sense: Teaching the English Punctuation System

Your Abs Will Burn After This Barre Workout (10 mins)

Top Exercises to lose weight | Fitness & Health

Thursday, 27 April 2017
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Chris Pratt’s Recent Comments Have Him Up At Night See Anna Faris’ Twitter Defense!
It’s nice to see couples being supportive of one another.
This time, it’s
She took to
But everyone has their limits. He’s certainly not the first celeb to draw the line at photos; Emma Watson said she wouldn’t take pics with fans just two months ago.
We may not think it’s the greatest thing, but it’s not something to lose sleep over!
So he’s probably more upset about the reaction to something he said in a Men’s Fitness interview about movies in Hollywood:
“I don’t see personal stories that necessarily resonate with me, because they’re not my stories. I think there’s room for me to tell mine, and probably an audience that would be hungry for them. The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”
Many took that to mean he wanted to see more straight, white males on the big screen, as “blue collar” has become political code in that way.
We thought he meant “blue collar” as in poor, like the way he grew up.
Photos: Celebs Who Were Homeless
Even then, it’s a pretty daft comment. Just off the top of our heads, last year brought us Oscar nominees Fences, Hell Or High Water, and Manchester By The Sea, all stories specifically about blue collar struggles.
But when he saw the response it was getting, the Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 star pretty quickly offered a very humble retraction:
That was actually a pretty stupid thing to say. I’ll own that. There’s a ton of movies about blue collar America.
chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) April 21, 2017
Look, everyone makes mistakes. The difference is whether you know it and own up to it.
Say something stupid, own up to saying something stupid. The fact it’s still bothering him only goes to show how thoughtful a guy he is. Don’t you think??
Of course, he could make it up to all the disgruntled fans by taking some pics. Ha!
What do YOU think, Perezcious readers??
[Image via Lia Toby/WENN.]
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Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Little kid gets distracted by strip club van.
Wait for it
via ViralHog

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Fitbit data helped police solve this murder
We might not have CSIszoom and enhance technology at our fingertips just yet, but police are still making expert use of technology literally within arms reach: fitness trackers.
According to theHartford Courant, police in Connecticut charged Richard Dabate with the 2015 murder of his wife, Connie. Detectives ultimately pieced together the case using a wide array of digital footprintseverything from phone logs and home security records to Facebook Messenger and Fitbit.
Though Richard initially claimed that his wife was the victim of a masked and burly home intruder who sounded like Vin Diesel, the version of the story police discovered after obtaining warrants for all of the aforementioned digital data told a different tale altogether. After emailing his boss that hed be in late the morning of Dec. 23, 2015, Richard checked on the schedule of his wife’s spin class at the local YMCA. Less than 20 minutes later, Connie returned home, and her Fitbit started tracking steps again. Less than 40 minutes later, it had tracked her last step.Only problem? That was almost an hour after Richard claimed shed been killed.
It took police a considerable amount of time to put together a revised timeline for the crime, and they found much more than they bargained for in the end, including a pregnant mistress, a lapsed life insurance policy, a troubled marriage marred by arguments over money and infertility, and much more. Richard is out on bond while he awaits trial.
It’s not the first time Fitbit data has proven valuable at a crime scene: Just last month, fitness tracker data captured the worlds attention after runner Kelly Herron posted an image of her trackers map of her escape from a would-be attacker.
Remember: Someone’salways watching, and your digital footprint may be more literal than you thought.
H/T Hartford Courant
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Its time for you to be unlimited
Whats holding you back from achieving everything you wish for? You.
Taking that first step towards your goals may be the hardest thing youll ever do, but its a step youll thank yourself for in the long term. By taking even one step towards your goal youll be closer than you were before, and by constantly moving towards it youll relish the thought of being closer than yesterday.
So how can you be unlimited?
Unlocking the unlimited version of yourself begins today. In the land of eternal summer theres no excuse to be stuck indoors get outside with your friends and push the boundaries of what you think youre capable of. Dust off your running shoes or pick up your old paint brushes and get started towards a goal that inspires you. Be unlimited and show that to the world.
Your biggest competition is yourself. Take it from Irfan Fandi budding football superstar and son of Fandi Ahmad. With some pretty big boots to fill himself pardon the pun Fandi has struggled to find his own unlimited with commitments to National Service in Singapore on top of his work for both the Singapore national football team and his local team Home United. Add to this preparation for the upcoming SEA Games and a range of personal appearance commitments and youll find one busy 18 year old.
Although hes only 18 the youngster is making a name for himself already, and he still find time to challenge himself every day. Fandis latest challenge sees him swap his football boots for running shoes proof that getting out of your comfort zone is an important part of self development, and could help you find a new passion.
Pushing yourself is infinitely easier when you have a competitor to take on, and Irfan has just that coming up. He will be challenging national fencing star Joyce Ng to take on Muay Thai. Joyce will be challenging Irfan to take on something new too propelling others to take on new challenges encourages you to push yourself at the same time, a bit of healthy competition never hurt anyone!
There are myriad benefits of taking to the streets and getting involved in running. Athletes worldwide keep their cardio fitness in peak condition through hitting the track, the streets or the treadmill you could be ready to join them. Nows the time to set yourself a challenge what will your challenge be? Could you be completing a marathon this time next year? The answers to these questions lie with you.
To give yourself the best start at becoming a marathon runner or even just a recreational runner you need more than just a pair of good running shoes. When exercising outside youll be subjected to harmful UV rays Singapore is exposed to extreme UV rays year-round. This goes beyond your skin. Prolonged and excessive exposure to UV radiation increases the risks of eye conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. ACUVUE is the only contact lens brand with internationally recognized standards of UV protection across its entire line of products, helping protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Protect your eyes with the UV protection built into ACUVUE daily disposable contact lenses, and see both the start and the finish line with clarity and determination.
Get $30 off your own ACUVUE daily disposable contact lenses today. Keep an eye on the challenges Irfan Fandi and Joyce Ng will be undertaking over on their Instagram pages and get inspired to find the unlimited version of yourself.
WATCH NEXT: This talking shoe sensor coaches you as you run.
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Monday, 24 April 2017
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When the weather is shitty but your swag has never been more on point 👊👊
When the weather is shitty but your swag has never been more on point
